Welcome To The Great Kahuna!

Ancient Tiki Wizdumb

The Great Kahuna is a Krazy Tiki Guy full of Ancient Wizdumb.
There is no telling what words of wizdumb he has to share, today... Sometimes, the messages are Kraaaazy. Other times, the messages are profound. Whatever the message, know that it is the right one for you!

The Great Kahuna Speaks!

The Great Kahuna has been waiting for you, Seeker! The Great Kahuna will speak words of wizdumb to help you on your path.
To find out what the Krazy Tiki Guy has to say, just click on the button below The Great Kahuna, Ok?

The Great Kahuna ~ Ancient Tiki Wizdumb
The Great Kahuna ~ Ancient Tiki Wizdumb

The Great Kahuna Speaks:Tiki Head ~ Great Kahuna ~ Ancient Tiki Wizdumb

You complain of dirty dishes and yet you continue to use a dirty sponge. Get a new sponge!


Lotus Flower Image


The Great Kahuna is for entertainment purposes only. The Great Kahuna Ancient Tiki Wizdumb © 2018-2025 Erin Gjertsen