The Garden of Inspiration is an enchanting place full of wonders, mystery, serenity, and upliftment. If you have had a difficult day, The Garden is a wonderful place to explore. There are many uplifting and inspirational spots in The Garden. Here, are just some of the places you can visit:
Inspirational Thoughts
- Your Daily Buddha
- The Daily Buddha has uplifting and inspiring thoughts from many sources (even some from Buddha).
- Daily Abraham
- Daily Abraham has uplifting and inspiring thoughts from a collective group consciousness that calls itself Abraham. Abraham if full of spiritual truths and wisdom about the great awakening of the people of the Earth.
- The Great Kahuna
- The Great Kahuna is a Krazy Tiki Guy full of Ancient Wizdumb. There is no telling what words of wizdumb he has to share, today...
The Oracles
- Seraphina The Gypsy Fortune Teller
- Madame Seraphina lives out on Inspiration Point in an old gypsy caravan. She can gaze into her crystal ball and tell you everything. Allow Madame Seraphina to tell your fortune, today!
- Confucious Say
- Confucious Say is a kind of oracle. You get tidbits of wisdom, inspiration, and food for thought, with every visit to Confucious Say.
Uplifting Stories
- The House Of Mirrors
- A story of two dogs, perception, and how what we put out there is always reflected back to us.
- The Pear Tree
- A story of a philosopher, his 4 sons, and a pear tree. Your life is much more than one season.
- The Present
- While this story revolves around Christmas, it could just as easily be any time we give gifts. A story of doing without, Love, and forgiveness.
- Rainy Day
- Remembering The Magic Of Childhood. No one else can ever take away your ability to find the joy, in life, in a time of challenge.
- The Secret Of Life
- Where can you find the Secret Of Life? It is simple to find and you hold both the lock and the key.
This page was last modified: July 30, 2019 08:49am UTC